Wednesday, May 27, 2009

::Hostel-Life Aspuri SMKAB Vol II::

Hye guys..hope sume gumbira hendak nye..'tetibe'..he3..ok lah..reen nk smbung lg cite pasal hostel rein tu..n kali ni reen ade tagged pic skali..pic ape??haa..SURPRISE!!!; lah boxes yg reen jumpe!!!

[handmade cards n surat2 dr hostelmates]
byk gle!!that's wut i said when i saw 'em..mmg sgt klaka ble bace blik..siyes sgt childish dat tyme..;p..of coz la kan??teenager..he3..surat dr kakak angkat la,adik angkat la,kawan 1 prep la,budak2 dorm la..sume ade..i mmg laughed all the way dat time..kenangan btul..;p

[another box of cards n letters]
mmg byk sgt smpi x fit nk simpan lam 1 box je..nk buang,for the time being simpan je la mmg x smpi ati pun nk throw 'em all..duh~..haha..nametag tu mmg de story yg sgt klaka..tau ape??punyer la rein go through all the hardship nk jd prefect,tp last2 rein reject..haiz~~..pnt je g interview(cuak tul ngan teacher syima yg ajar netball tuh!!!) n being a probationer for weeks kot x silap..last2 rein x nk plak atas sbb2 yg x dpt dielakkan..hu3..xpe la xde rezeki kot..redha je la...:'(..

[gifts box]
box ni mmg best..coz hadiah yg rein dpt since form 1 pun still ade lg..x gne pun..still in gud shape..apepun,thanks 2 all yg pnh bg adiah tu erk..really appreciate it!!;)

i like this!!*grin*..mmg sgt funny bile bace,baru sedar i xreally go in deep what she wrote mase 2 n rein bace juz in a glimpse je[sorry ekyn dearie..:'(..]..smpi rein ckp "larr..die tulis ni ke??mcm x pasan je"..[truk btul rein ni..mcm la bz sgt dulu] whatever it is, i still heart those cards n letters u've made n wrote..i do appreciate it cik kykyn..::hugs::

[Anugerah Fantasia]
cute kn bear ni?? time rein mng Anugerah Fantasia..mase ni rein Form 5,last year duk, we did manage to organize this kind of event..mmg sgt byk keje tyme for each catogories were decided by the voting number..interesting kn??mmg best gle!!on that day kan, ktorg siap kunci students x bg turun..mmg mcm kunun g big2 anugerah la..ade lagu mengiringi time diorg enter the hall(kunun mcm red carpet la tuh)..ade bg doorgift lg..haish!!;)..but unfortunately, i've forgotten the catogories i won that nite n oso i didn't hv any photos in my keeping..duh~~but afterall,we enjoyed most on that nite n we were having a lot of fun..happy bwanget kaya nya..*wink*

MR TED!!he3..the one on left was given by Mimah for my burfday..cant remember which burfday..mybe tyme i F4(if im not mistaken la..)..n the one on right from sis Sab..1 batch ngan sis Eat n Dian..thanks bwanget ya kira nya...ak tu suke sekali..*grin*

kenangan btul kn???mmg susah nk lupe(w/pun mcm most of the time i x brape ingat sgt) ble tgk blik sume ni,mcm bley recalled blik time duk hostel dulu..thanks for making me who i am today..even x byk,tp sedikit sebyk i still feel n got the influence in me till today..A BIG THANKS TO EVERYONE..

happy reading n ceria selalu..;)

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